Cloud Native

The future of software development – more efficient, scalable and flexible thanks to modern cloud technologies.

Cloud Native is the software approach for creating, deploying and managing modern applications in cloud computing environments, i.e. applications that are “native” to the cloud (regardless of whether they are in a private or public cloud).

Such applications are made up of a collection of small, independent services that are very resilient, highly scalable and flexible. To do this, they use modern tools and techniques that inherently support application development in the cloud.

Cloud Native is also characterized by a high level of automation and corresponding culture and methods such as DevOps.

The advantages of cloud native


Being able to provide new features or entire applications more quickly can be a key competitive advantage and accelerate innovation.


Containerized microservices reduce the impact radius and faster bug-fixing enables increased responsiveness
in the event of incidents.


Container-based applications can be migrated much more easily and quickly between different infrastructures (e.g. between on-premise and cloud), which prevents vendor lock-in.


Each microservice is logically isolated and can be scaled independently. If a microservice is changed for scaling, the others are not affected.

Cost optimization

Containers can maximize the number of microservices running on a host, saving time, resources and money.

Talent retention

The use of new technologies and procedures makes the tasks more attractive for employees and offers great opportunities for further training.

The cloud native journey

A company, application or platform does not become cloud native overnight. Nor is this simply a new technology. It is more like a journey with many highs and lows, in which different phases are passed through. The organization must also be prepared for cloud native – dealing with uncertainties, an iterative approach and the willingness to constantly adapt are just as important as the tools and technologies. It is therefore more of a transformation than a mere technological adaptation or introduction.

No two trips are the same, but there are some basic things that should be taken into account. At first, the cloud native ecosystem with all its technologies and frameworks may seem incredibly complex. It is therefore important to be well prepared and get a comprehensive overview. This is typically followed by a development phase where testing and verification takes place, e.g. as part of proof-of-concepts or minimum viable products.

Once these have been confirmed, implementation can begin and the question of operation arises – process automation, monitoring and change management come into focus. This is followed by phases of scaling, improving and optimizing the introduced methodologies, tools, applications and processes in order to establish cloud native in the company in the long term.


  • Learning, Research
  • Testing (No Regret Moves)
  • Reviews, ACTUAL Analyses
  • Concepts

Build up

  • Verification (proof of concept, minimum viable product)
  • Basic platform structure
  • Knowledge building
  • Create framework conditions


  • Change management
  • Introduce processes (build/deploy)
  • Automation
  • Monitoring & Observability


  • Refactor or migrate applications
  • Scaling platforms and knowledge
  • Introducing self-service
  • Anchoring cloud native in the organization


  • Checking the stability and security of the platforms
  • Ensuring compliance requirements


  • Optimize costs
  • Increase efficiency
  • Ensure transparency


Regardless of the phase of your individual cloud native journey, we can provide targeted support with our many years of broad experience.

Cloud Native Orientation

During the preparation phase, our Cloud Native Orientation Services help you to gain a targeted overview of the extensive Cloud Native ecosystem and thus provide an optimal start for your journey.

Cloud Native Assessments

Our cloud native assessments help you to better assess your current situation, give you detailed recommendations for action and thus help you to plan your journey optimally.

Cloud Native Foundation

A stable foundation is essential for the sustainable introduction of cloud native. With our Cloud Native Foundation Services, we build the platforms, services and processes for your cloud native future.

Cloud Native Adoption

Our Cloud Native Adoption Services help you with the adaptation (refactoring) or migration of your existing applications, as well as the scaling, automation and optimization of your Cloud Native environments.

Managed Cloud Native

If you don’t want to operate your platform yourself and want to ensure continuous optimization by our experts, we can take care of this for you with our Managed Cloud Native Service.